ET Training Centre provides 37,000 hours of training in H1 of 2020


Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept.

The Emirates Transport Training Centre has revealed that it has completed 42 training courses for thousands of trainees in various fields, during the first half of 2020.

Abdullah Al Madhani, manager of Emirates Transport Training Centre, said that the Centre overcame the circumstances and challenges that resulted from the spread of Covid-19 through its success in attracting 32 new training contracts with taxi and limousine companies in Dubai.

He added that most of the trainees of the Centre were school bus drivers and supervisors working for ET and across the transport industry in the UAE and further stated that the trainees benefited from 36,708 hours of training at 27 sites affiliated with the Centre.

The training programmes incorporated lectures and specialized workshops that covered several main categories including customer service, occupational health and safety, safety of vehicles, road and traffic safety, as well as issues related to specific transport operations such as taxi and limousine services.  

On the extent to which the Centre’s activities were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic; Al Madhani stated that the number of trainees decreased during the first half of this year by 6% compared to what they were during the same period last year. He stresses, however, that the adoption of remote training solutions contributed decisively to the continuation of training operations during these emergency circumstances, during which reliance was placed on the Zoom application, which allows high-quality audio-visual communication with hundreds of trainees.

Al Madhani noted that in addition to training drivers and school bus supervisors of Emirates Transport, the ET Training Centre provides training services to a number of government and private sector entities wishing to train their employees in the same fields.

The manager of Emirates Transport Training Centre added that the Centre is a member of the British Royal Society for Accident Prevention (ROSPA), joining the list of international training centres that are committed to the highest training standards and to the mission of preventing accidents and saving lives. The Centre is also accredited by the various legislative bodies in the field of training at the state level.

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