ET Training Centre provides 37,000 hours of training in H1 of 2020

Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept. The Emirates Transport Training Centre has revealed that it has completed 42 training courses for thousands of trainees in various fields, during the first half of 2020. Abdullah Al Madhani, manager of Emirates Transport Training Centre, said that the Centre overcame the circumstances and challenges that resulted from the spread […]

Emirates Transport signs 72 contracts since start of year

Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept. Emirates Transport (ET) has announced the signing of 72 new and renewed contracts with several government and private sector entities in the emirates of Dubai and Sharjah since the start of 2020.   Head of Sales for the Zone, Tariq AlSedawi, stated that the signed contracts, which have a range […]

Emirates Transport wins the RoSPA award for fleet safety

Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept. Emirates Transport (ET) received the Silver Fleet Safety Award of RoSPA, in the Health & Safety Awards category, granted from The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents – RoSPA. Hanan Saqer, executive director of the Corporate Services, said the win comes in honour of ET’s continuous efforts in enhancing safety system procedures and […]

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