Emirates Transport’s Call Centre received more than 7,000 calls in Q1 of 2021


Marketing and Media Department – Dubai:

The Emirates Transport (ET) Call Centre announced that it had received 7,406 calls during the first quarter of 2021.

Mohammed Al Fassed, Manager of the Sales Excellence Department at ET, said the number of calls represents a reduction of 34% on the same period of last year, noting that customer inquiries constituted about 5,882 inquiries, or 79.3% of all calls.

Al Fassed stated that the Call Centre represents one of the most important and effective channels of communication with the Company’s customers, partners and the public in general.

He added that Emirates Transport performs real-time monitoring of performance and performance-related indicators of the various ET centres, and carefully monitors the volume and nature of incoming calls, through continuous data analysis, in addition to strengthening and providing all communication teams with updated information.

He further stated that the Call Centre work teams were able to respond to 99% of all the calls, noting that 89% of the 52 customer complaints were resolved within a maximum of two days.

The Manager of the Sales Excellence Department, said that ET customers can contact the Company through the ET Call Centre on toll-free number: 8006006 or E-mail: info@et.ae.

He pointed out that the Call Centre’s employees are continuously subject to training programmes in customer services, in accordance with the best international practices, in order to ensure excellence and effectiveness in providing services that exceeds the aspirations of customers and achieves their happiness.

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