Emirates Transport and Abu Dhabi Police inaugurate auto inspection centre for heavy vehicles in Al Hiyar, Al Ain


Marketing and Communications Department – Dubai:

Emirates Transport (ET), in cooperation and partnership with the Abu Dhabi Police General Command, inaugurated an auto inspection centre for heavy vehicles in the area of Al Hiyar, near Al Ain – Abu Dhabi.  

Faryal Mohamed Tawakul, Acting CEO of ET, said that the opening of the centre, which is the ninth of its kind in the emirate of Abu Dhabi, is a part of a development plan for ET’s strategic partnership with Abu Dhabi Police, adding that the auto inspection centre includes 2 work lanes, with a capacity to service up to 150 vehicles a day.

She also pointed out that the auto inspection centre provides a wide range of services for heavy vehicles including registrations and renewals, inspecting compliance with the requirements of the Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority, testing equipment, licensing for exports and other related services.

Tawakul concluded her inauguration statement by noting that Emirates Transport started, at the beginning of this year, to implement a digital transformation plan for auto inspection services in all of its centres by activating the pre-reservation service for companies and individuals within the customer service system on the Company’s website, while providing credit card payment options.

The new centre is part of efforts of Abu Dhabi Police to facilitate access to services to motorists nearer to their residential communities and within the framework of an expansion plan to establish vehicle inspection centres throughout the emirate. Colonel Matar Obaid Al Dhaheri, Deputy Director of the Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Directorate in the Central Operations Sector said: “The new centre provides all the services related to technical inspect of heavy vehicles which will help reduce the movement of heavy vehicles on the roads – thus enhancing road safety – and will improves services provided to clients, both individuals and establishments.”

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