Al Nisr Al Arabi (Arab Eagle) Award


Tatweej Academy for Excellence Awards has awarded Mohammed Al Jarman, General Manager of Emirates Transport, the Al Nisr Al Arabi (Arab Eagle) Award for General Management 2017. 

Tatweej Academy for Excellence Awards board of trustees have allocated several criteria for selecting Arab Eagle winners annually. The criteria includes the efficiency of formulating and developing the vision, mission, and the policies framework; the ability to overcome challenges and invest in opportunities; as well as creative thinking and empowering employees of the entity on all management levels. 

The awarding ceremony was held in Dubai, under the patronage of H.E. Major General Nasser Salem Al Nuaimi, Secretary General of the Minister of the Interior’s Office, and with the presence of delegations from GCC and the Arab World. In all, there were 18 prominent leading figures from across the region who received the Al Nisr Al Arabi 2017 award, in its 3rd edition.

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