Private Schools Transport Services

Private School Transport Center


The Private School Transport Centre provides school transport and school bus rental services through ET’s nine branches spread across the UAE to all students and private schools desiring to avail such services.


Advantages of Outsourcing School Transport Services


Outsourcing school transport services to a recognised and respected provider has many distinct advantages, including: 


  • Ensuring the application of high safety standards; providing full satisfaction to students, their families and all other transport stakeholders.
  • Reducing the commissioning cost; helping educational institutes achieve maximum savings in their allocated budget and expenses for students transport.


  • Benefiting from the expertise and transport resources of the highest calibre, including experienced and dedicated transport professionals.  
  • Outsourcing allows schools to fully focus on education of their students, not the complexities and time consuming process of running a transport operation.


Comprehensive School Transport Package



Emirates Transport offers a unique package of integrated school transport services covering the following services:


  • Fully equipped vehicles supported by cutting edge technology that enhance safety standards, well trained and highly qualified school bus drivers and supervisors, and provision of transport fuel, depending on the size of the operation.
  • Availing substitute drivers & bus supervisors in the rare case of a no-show, and provision of an alternative vehicle in case of break-downs or need for maintenance.
  • Providing transport services for students with special needs using customized vehicles and specially trained staff.
  • Providing transport services for early education students, from their homes to the educational centres and vice- versa.
  • Providing bus rental and sales services, full insurance coverage for vehicles, drivers, and all passengers, and upgrading vehicles and buses internal and external facilities & equipment.
  • Fleet Management.


Transport Management Package


Emirates Transport offers a transport management and operation package which provides the following services:


  • Complete planning and management for daily transport operations, including route management, and identifying the most economic and ideal routing systems for buses.
  • Identifying the optimum locations for student assembly points.
  • Providing optimum bus routing and scheduling to reduce costs and improve fleet performance.
  • Monitoring and checking the discipline and readiness levels of the bus staff.


Technology Solutions Package


The Emirates Transport Technology Solutions company (ETTS) offers the latest transport technology solutions, such as:


  • Satellite tracking & GPS system.
  • Student identification and tracking system.
  • Developing programmes related to student identification system, vehicles tracking network, vehicles route messaging, and fleet analysis and reporting systems.
  • Internal and external bus monitoring and surveillance cameras.
  • Fixed monitors for school buses, connected to the internal networks of the school transport service stations, to display awareness and educational material during the transport trips.
  • The Child Check-Mate, a system designed to ensure no child is left on the bus after each trip.



24-hours Call Centre: 800-6006

Interested in this service, get in touch with us!

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