ET’s Abu Dhabi taxi company completes five million trips in 2019


Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept.

Emirates Transport Taxis, a subsidiary of Emirates Transport (ET), has announced that it had completed 5,204,308 trips in 2019.

The Abu Dhabi-based company was launched back in October 2017 with a fleet of just 200 cars, which has since increased to 800 vehicles of various sizes and 1,000 drivers.

Ali Yousef, manager of Emirates Transport Taxi, said that the services also included 803 trips for people of determination and the elderly, stating that the vehicles are equipped with the highest standards of comfort and safety to serve these two categories.

Yousef said: “The taxis have all been equipped with cutting-edge safety and security features and offer free Wi-Fi services to passengers, representing an exceptionally convenient travelling experience.  

“For quality control purposes, the company’s taxis are also equipped with an online tracking system, speed limiter and updated GPS facilities,” he added.

In October 2017, Emirates Transport launched the first phase of the Emirates Transport Taxi operations in Abu Dhabi, to become the latest company to join the group of operators offering taxi services in the emirate.

The company has since established itself as a major operator in the emirate of Abu Dhabi and has seen steady increase in business.   

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