ET Training Centre provides training to 16 thousand in Q1 of 2020


Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept.

Emirates Transport Training Centre revealed that the number of beneficiaries from its services in the first quarter of this year increased by 77%, compared to the same quarter of last year, and confirmed an increase in the number of new contracts signed with a number of government and private establishments to 61 contracts, compared to 50 contracts in the first quarter of last year.

Badr Al Attar, executive director of Transport and Leasing Division in Dubai and Sharjah, commended the Centre for the quick response to the emergency conditions resulting from the outbreak of Covid-19 and the subsequent procedures and recommendations for quarantine and social distancing, which were implemented by the work teams in the Centre and throughout the company.

In particular, Al Attar highlighted steps such as making available training programs all online, along with a number of procedures related to training services, such as registration and payment, and issuing occupational permits for drivers and bus supervisors.    

Abdullah Al Madhani, manager of Emirates Transport Training Centre, explained that the Centre managed in the first quarter of this year to organize 28 training programmes, providing 23,361 training hours across 27 training sites belonging to the Centre, as well as remote training services.

Al Madhani said that 16,418 male and female trainees benefited from the training, 9,609 of whom drivers and 6,156 were school bus supervisors.

The manager of Emirates Transport Training Centre added that the Centre is a member of the British Royal Society for Accident Prevention (ROSPA), joining the list of international training centres that are committed to the highest training standards and to the mission of preventing accidents and saving lives. The Centre is also accredited by the legislative bodies in the field of training at the state level.

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