Emirates Transport signs 174 new and renewed contracts in Dubai and Sharjah during the H1 of 2021


Marketing and Communications Department – Dubai:

The business results of the first half of 2021 revealed that Emirates Transport signed 174 new and renewed contracts in the field of transport and leasing with various clients from both the government and private sectors in the emirates of Dubai and Sharjah at a total value of 420 million dirhams.

Head of Sales in the Dubai and Sharjah Zone, Tariq AlSedawi, praised the achieved results that underscore the success of the company’s plans and strategy in restoring the momentum of business and activities in this vital region, and overcoming the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic that impacted most economies around the world. He further stressed that business levels improved significantly and jumped by 15% compared to the results of the first half of the year 2020.

AlSedawi stated that the signed contracts included 123 new contracts and 51 renewed contracts to provide a myriad of services including transport services and logistics solutions and range from 3 to 5 years.

He further pointed out that, as part of the rapid response to market variables and in order to meet the growing requirements of customers, ET launched ‘Emirtas’, a new service offering last mile solutions, to add to its profile of services supporting the logistics sector in the UAE.

AlSedawi expressed his gratitude to all clients for their valuable trust towards the services offered by Emirates Transport, indicating that the company is proud of its extensive portfolio of prominent clients in Dubai and Sharjah, including Dubai Police, Emirates Airline, Dubai Duty Free, Noon, ENOC, Emirates Petroleum, and the Engineering Office in Dubai, in addition to a number of universities, institutions and ministries throughout the country.

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