Emirates Transport produce a series of safety videos for its auto workshop employees


Emirates Transport (ET) produced a series of awareness films aimed at technicians working in its auto workshops in various regions of the country, as part of its continuous efforts to enhance professionalism and safety in the work environment, and to establish awareness of occupational health and safety procedures.

The videos, under the title “Safety in Workshops”, were produced as part of a safety awareness campaign launched at the start of this week.

Khalid Shukur, director of the Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety Department (QHSE), stated that the short films are part of the continuous awareness and guidance programmes prepared by the company for workers in various disciplines, especially technical workers whose tasks require a higher degree of care and adherence to safety instructions and conditions.

Shukur said: “As an extension of these efforts, the QHSE Department at ET has prepared 5 awareness films for its auto workshop technicians covering manual lifting and handling tasks, as well as safe handling of chemicals, battery chargers, overhead cranes and forklifts. Additionally, one video is directed at desk employees in the auto workshops highlighting best safety practices to avoid common hazards associated with desk workstations”.

Shukur added that the films were issued in English and translated into Urdu to achieve greater dissemination and ensure a better understanding for the target audience.

The QHSE Director also stated that the films were prepared after identifying and evaluating the potential risks in the company’s technical workshops in a methodical manner, taking into account the relevant laws and regulations. It is worth noting that the technical services sector of Emirates Transport provides a wide range of specialized and qualitative services, including maintenance and repair of vehicles of various sizes and types. These services are provided by approximately 3,000 specialized technicians, working in over 94 workshops located across the country, together providing about one million services annually to customers from government agencies, private companies and individuals.

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