Emirates Transport operates 152 transport and leasing contracts in the northern regions in H1 of 2020


Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept.

Emirates Transport (ET) announced the success of its working teams in managing and operating 152 transport and leasing contracts in the northern regions during the first half of the current year 2020.

The contracts serve 65 governmental and private companies and entities in the Emirate of Fujairah, in addition to the cities of Khorfakkan, Kalba, as well as the emirates of Ajman, Umm Al Quwain and Ras Al Khaimah.

Khalifa Al Khalidi, Head of Sales in the Northern Regions, explained that the current contracts include 13 new contracts signed during the first half of this year, with a total value of approximately 640,000 dirhams, in addition to 31 contracts renewed during the same period worth a total value of 4.73 million dirhams.  

He added that the company was able to attract 5 new clients during the first half 2020 despite the exceptional circumstances caused by the spread of Covid-19, which left wide negative effects on global economic activity, and affected most areas of work, especially transport and leasing activities, which confirms the high competitive capabilities of ET.

Al Khalidi stated that ET’s northern emirates fleet consists of nearly 3,100 various vehicles, operated by 2,000 drivers.  

It is noteworthy that Emirates Transport provides a variety of services in the northern regions including transport and leasing services, which encompasses school and university transport, as well as transport services for governmental and private institutions.

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