Emirates Transport issues reminders to its drivers to stop buses during foggy conditions


Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept.
Emirates Transport (ET) regularly reiterates to all its drivers the importance of following traffic safety rules during different weather conditions. This is within its continuous pursuit and efforts to maintain the safety of transported children, it also springs from the Corporation’s desire to provide school transport service in a safe and sustainable manner, regardless of weather conditions in the region.
Abdullah bin Swaif ALghufli, executive director of the School Transport Division at Emirates Transport, said that transport services during bad weather follow comprehensive procedures as set out in the manual for school transport operations.
These procedures, he added, are based on the Corporation’s emergency plans, issued by the Department of Environment, Safety and Occupational Health & Safety, and adheres to regulations and recommendations issued by the National Centre for Meteorology and Earthquake and the National Commission for Crisis and Emergency Management.
The executive director of the School Transport Division also said that the Corporation has worked on making unremitting efforts for the implementation of safety requirements and taking caution, in light of the climatic conditions, on its school buses. Pointing out that in order to achieve the highest safety ratings, it requires the intensification of efforts of all groups concerned.   
Tarik Ahmed Al Obaidli, manager of School Transport Operations stated that the Corporation instructed drivers to halt their journey and stop buses by the side of the road in times of low visibility of less than 100 meters. He also praised the Corporation’s partners and their efforts to enhance the safety of students during school transport.
He stated that a number of procedures to check the readiness of school buses to operate have been implemented, where the technical condition and safety of school buses have been confirmed, in addition to checking the front and rear spaces of school buses and ensuring the safety of tyres and brakes. As well as the operation of the bus lights specially the alarm lights and taking into consideration that it should not be used except in emergencies.  
Al Obaidli confirmed that all school bus drivers have undergone training programmes on how to enhance safety in various weather conditions, by following a number of practices to ensure the safety and integrity of transported students, including compliance with legal speeds and leave enough distance between the bus and the vehicle in front, stay away from rain pools and other practices that enhance safety levels during school transport.

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