Emirates Transport develops technical and smart solutions to manage relations with customers


Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept.

Emirates Transport (ET) has announced it has developed a mobile application as an integrated point of access for all its transport services.   

Mohammed Abdul Rahim, manager of ET’s Digital Transformation Department, stated that, in line with the policy of creativity, intellectual excellence and smart transformation pursued by the company, the application was developed to allow customers access to all transport services provided by Emirates Transport, without the need to search several services in different applications.

Abdul Rahim stressed that this application will allow all service providers within the company to participate within this unified platform, which aims to link all services provided by Emirates Transport with each other through a digital algorithm engine enhanced with the latest artificial intelligence systems.

The manager of the Digital Transformation Department confirmed the completion of the first phase of the customer service system – enhanced with machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies – which entailed the automation of sales and services and marketing processes.

He added that the app will help provide unified platform for Emirates Transport customers to achieve the concept of Mobility as an Experience, which was developed in cooperation with “Salesforce”, one of the world’s leading platforms in customer relationship management (CRM) applications and programmes – and in coordination with Smaartt Digital Consulting.

Abdul Rahim explained that the application is based on eight foundations, including: master data management, transport asset management, transport services management, field services management, geographic information systems, the Emirates Transport community, artificial intelligence and analytics, and the unified channel for customers, all of which are designed to delight customers and enrich their experience with the company, whilst further expanding its reach.

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