Emirates Transport concludes its participant in EdEx MENA 2022


Emirates Transport (ET) concluded its participation and official sponsorship of the eleventh session of the Education Investment MENA conference “EdEx MENA 2022”, a leading regional event for the education sector, which was held on November 9th and 10th, at the Hotel Conrad Dubai.

Faryal Tawakul, Acting CEO of Emirates Transport, highlighted the significance of such participation to the company, as the leading school transport provider in the country, and reiterated ET’s commitment to continue its support and sponsorship of this annual conference.

She said: “EdEx MENA represents a qualitative and rich platform that brings together many actors, exhibitors and companies specializing in educational technologies and services, and offers a great opportunity to exchange ideas, experiences, service solutions and new educational visions, and to explore possible investment opportunities.”

In addition to participating as the Official Transport Partner, Jasim Al Marzouqi, Acting Executive Director of School Transport, stated that Emirates Transport showcased its most prominent initiatives and pioneering experiences in the school transport sector, foremost of which is the safety system on board its buses, which includes technical and smart equipment, surveillance cameras and tracking systems, in cooperation with the Chinese company Dahua Technology, a world leader in video surveillance systems for school buses, the Internet of Things and other related technology products.

Al Marzouqi added that Emirates Transport also contributed with two presentations in the seminars accompanying the exhibition, the first of which highlighted the precautionary measures applied to the company’s fleet before, during and after the Covid- 19 pandemic, and the lessons that can be learnt from it in future school transport operations, while the second presentation, detailed the smart transport system in the company’s school transport fleet, highlighting the system’s characteristics and technical features, and the added value it provides to customers.

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