Emirates Transport carries out more than 3,332 maintenance operations in first half of 2021


Marketing and Media Department – Dubai:

Emirates Transport (ET), has announced that the Vehicle Body Repair Unit had carried out more than 3,332 vehicle repair operations in the first half of the year.

According to Khalid Othman, manager of the Vehicle Body Repair Unit, the number represents an increase of 7% on the same period of last year when the Unit carried out 3,099 repair services. 

The repairs were carried out through seven auto workshops spread throughout the country, and benefited 103 clients, including 43 insurance companies and 60 private car and fleet owners.

Othman explained that the unit provides a variety of maintenance and repair services for light and heavy vehicles, and motorcycles according to the needs and requirements of the customer, in addition to a number of other supporting technical services such as vehicle towing and vehicle cleaning.

Othman stated that the Unit has a daily capacity of 60 vehicles per day, and employees 125 trained and qualified auto technicians, which reflects ET’s keenness to develop the system and level of its technical services in line with the continuous growth in the transport and auto services markets. 

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