Emirates Transport and the Saudi Public Transport Company (SAPTCO) discuss further strategic cooperation


Emirates Transport (ET) and the Saudi Public Transport Company “SAPTCO”, held a high-level meeting that included the two boards of directors at the head office of Emirates Transport in Dubai.

The two sides discussed consolidating their strategic relationship and enhancing ways of cooperation to achieve more common interests, leading to an agreement on a roadmap for future joint projects.

The Saudi delegation was headed by Eng. Khalid bin Saleh Al-Mudaifer, Deputy Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources for Mining Affairs in Saudi Arabia and Chairman of the Board of Directors of SAPTCO, Eng. Khalid bin Abdullah Al-Hogail, Managing Director and CEO of the company and members of the Board of Directors, and welcoming the delegation from ET was Khaled Al-Mansour, Managing Director and Member of Emirates Transport Board of Directors and Vice Chairman of SAPTCO Board of Directors; in his capacity as a representative of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Emirates Transport, Faryal Tawakul, the Acting CEO, several Board members and members of the company’s senior management team.

In the opening remarks to the joint meeting, which was delivered by His Excellency Khalid Al-Mansour, on behalf of His Excellency Hussain bin Ibrahim Al Hammadi, Chairman of Emirates Transport, Al-Mansour said: “I am confident this meeting will be an additional step in strengthening and expanding the distinguished strategic partnership between the two companies, which was launched through the Saudi Emirates Integrated Transport Company (SEITCO), a joint venture between the two partners that was inaugurated in 2014, and was able in a short period of time to become among the leading school transport operators in the Kingdom. In fact, SEITCO is now the second largest operator in this sector, providing its services to nearly 200,000 students, benefiting from the qualitative experiences accumulated by the two partners.”

His Excellency Eng. Khalid bin Saleh Al-Mudaifer, Deputy Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources for Mining Affairs – Chairman of the Board of Directors of SAPTCO, expressed his appreciation on behalf of the Board of Directors for the warm reception by ET also lauded the success of SEITCO as a shining example of cooperation by the two parties. The two sides discussed several important topics including entering new markets in the public and private sectors, assigning more Emirates Transport expertise to SEITCO, and combining efforts to secure better value from school bus suppliers, while exploring the possibility of involving suppliers in operating buses instead of purchasing them.

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