Emirates Transport and Abu Dhabi Polytechnic sign MoU to cooperate in research and training efforts


Dubai, UAE – January 21, 2022: Emirates Transport (ET) and Abu Dhabi Polytechnic signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) Tuesday to cooperate in the field of science and engineering technology and other common areas of interest, including provision of training to graduates and students.

The MoU was signed at ET’s head office in Al Garhoud, Dubai, by Faryal Tawakul, ET Acting Chief Executive Officer, and Dr. Ahmad Abdulmanan Alawar, Managing Director of IAT, in a ceremony attended by a number of officials from both parties.

The agreement will pave the way for the two entities to work together on science and engineering research projects, particularly in areas related to the work of ET such as transport and auto maintenance and repairs services.

ET will also provide graduates and enrolled students from Abu Dhabi Polytechnic, an affiliate of the Institute of Applied Technology (IAT), with vital on-the-job training experience and employment opportunities that will help them establish a career path in their chosen field of study.

Faryal Tawakul, ET Acting Chief Executive Officer stated that the company is keen to establish such collaboration opportunities with institutions of learning as part of its strategic objectives of fostering innovation and corporate social responsibilities.

She said: “We are delighted to work closely with Abu Dhabi Polytechnic, a leading provider of education and technical training, to achieve our common corporate and national strategic objectives particularly in the areas of technical innovation and youth development.

“This MoU is yet another delivery on ET’s firm commitment to support educational institutions in the country and we are confident it will provide both parties with great benefits as we navigate through an exciting global age of technical and technological innovation,” added Tawakul.

Dr. Ahmad Abdulmanan Alawar, Managing Director of IAT, said: “This agreement paves the way for joint cooperation between the two institutions by providing the educational and training environment for our national youth, and our outputs at Abu Dhabi Polytechnic, in line with IAT’s strategy in providing the highest quality standards in teaching, training and simulation at Abu Dhabi Polytechnic and its dual academic system that includes theoretical education and practical application.”

Dr. Ali Hilal Al Naqbi, Director of Abu Dhabi Polytechnic, said: “The agreement enhances the opportunities for students to engage in a practical training environment with national and international companies and institutions with the highest standards in the field of engineering and technology, and contributes to the implementation of plans and programmes by Abu Dhabi Polytechnic.”

A joint committee from both ET and Abu Dhabi Polytechnic was established to oversee the implementation of the MoU, which has a duration of three years that, to be renewed automatically for a similar period.

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