53 buses from Emirates Transport transporting 650 students with special needs


Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept.
Emirates Transport (ET) announced an 18% increase in the number of transported students under the Arrive Safely initiative, which serves students of centres catering for people of determination through specially modified buses.
According to Abdul Gaffar Mohammed Yousef, Key Account Manager – VIP Customer Office, ET has allocated specially equipped buses to transport people of determination, in various regions of the country, as part of the Arrive Safely initiative, which was launched in 2013 in cooperation with the Ministry of Community Development.
Yousef added that ET is keen to provide all the comforts that ensure the safe and orderly transport of the passengers on a daily basis, and to provide them with all means of care.
He stressed that Emirates Transport has implemented the best specifications and standards in the buses which are fitted with wheelchair lifts and side arms and include a diverse library of books and games, in addition to monitors to show entertaining and educational programmes.
The buses are also equipped with a smart tracking system and internal surveillance cameras to help reassure parents during the trip to-and-from the care centre, added Yousef.
The Key Account Manager added that during 2019, ET provided 53 buses to transport 650 students with special needs to 8 rehabilitation centres affiliated to the Ministry of Community Development, including Dubai Club For People Of Determination, RAK Club for People of Determination and the Fujairah Club for People of Determination.

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