Emirates Transport issues reminders to its drivers on driving procedures during bad weather


Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept.

Emirates Transport (ET) reiterated to all its drivers a number of safety tips during difficult weather including dealing with heavy rain, strong winds and foggy conditions.

Hanan Saqer, executive director of Corporate Services, said that transport services during bad weather follow comprehensive procedures as set out in the official ET Manual for Transport Operations.

These procedures, she added, are based on the company’s emergency plans, issued by the Department of Environment, and Occupational Health & Safety (OHSE), and adheres to regulations and recommendations issued by the National Centre for Meteorology and the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA).  

Saqer also pointed out that cooperation between all concerned groups, including road users, are essential in order to achieve the highest safety standards.   

Among the reminders sent out to ET drivers were instructions to halt their journey and stop their vehicles by the side of the road at times of low visibility of less than 100 meters.  

The executive director of Corporate Services added that a number of procedures to inspect the operational readiness of transport vehicles were also implemented recently as part of regular maintenance operations and ahead of the winter weather.  

Saqer stressed that the company will continue to apply precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus, across its various operations including commercial and school transport services. These measures includes continuous disinfection, temperature checks, periodic testing for drivers and wearing masks by employees, drivers, clients and passengers.

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