More than 2,000 ET vehicles providing transport services to local and federal government entities


Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept.

Emirates Transport (ET) provides government transport services, through its various locations spread across the country, to 54 federal government clients, through a fleet of 2,041 vehicles, driven by 1,393 drivers qualified to provide transport services according to the highest standards of efficiency, safety and comfort to achieve the happiness of passengers.

Abdul Gaffar Mohammed Yousef, Key Account Manager – VIP Customer Office, stated that the company has signed 25 new and renewed transport service contracts, with durations of between 1 and 4 years, with 6 federal government entities since the start of 2020.

Some of ET’s governmental clients include the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Infrastructure Development, the National Centre for Rehabilitation, the UAE Cabinet Office, the Insurance Authority, the Federal Electricity and Water Authority, the Communications Regulatory Authority, the National Centre of Meteorology, the UAE Space Agency, the Council The National Media, the General Authority for Civil Aviation, the Federal Tax Authority, the Federal Customs Authority, the Federal Authority for Land and Maritime Transport and the Ministry of Justice.

In general, Yousef added that the ET operates various vehicles including ambulances, medical supplies transport vehicles, funeral transport vehicles, blood transport vehicles, mobile clinics, in addition to water transport vehicle.

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