Emirates Transport organizes interactive events and programmes to promote occupational health and safety


Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept.
Emirates Transport (ET) organized a number of activities and awareness programmes under the slogan “Safety is a Responsibility and a Commitment” to promote a culture of occupational health and safety and raise awareness among employees as part of an annual campaign.
Hanan Saqer, Executive Director of Corporate Services at ET, said: “Emirates Transport is keen to keep abreast of best corporate practices in the field of health and safety, and seeks to exchange experiences and hold benchmarking with successful and active institutions in occupational health and safety practices to ensure the highest levels of safety are achieved to achieve optimum satisfaction and exceed the requirements and expectations of the customers”.
The activities of the campaign included programmes, workshops and awareness lectures at different locations of the organization aimed at its employees from various categories including school transport drivers and supervisors, and members of the wider community including school students, in cooperation with a number of governmental and private institutions.
Some of the health activities included tests for breast cancer, blood pressure, blood glucose, and eye examinations.
The events also included training in first aid skills, mock evacuation of buses and buildings, as well as workshops on simple physical exercises at the workplace, organized morning sports for auto technicians, and a blood donation campaign. 

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