Emirates Transport trains about 200 drivers in Sharjah and Ajman during the first half of 2018


Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept.
Emirates Transport, represented by Sharjah Government Transport Centre, one of ET’s business centres, implemented 29 field visits to its customers in the federal and local government corporations in Sharjah and Ajman, in addition to the training of 200 drivers during the first half of this year, as part of the Centre’s efforts in providing services that meet the expectations of customers and achieve their happiness.
Humaid Ali Al Khader, Manager of Government Transport in Sharjah and Ajman branches, stated: “The Government Transport Centre implemented field visits to 29 government agencies during the first half of 2018 within the initiatives and programs of attaining the government customers’ needs and happiness and in a move to evaluate the services provided in order to meet our customers’ future requirements.”
“These field visits represent an effective link for the customers and will enhance their confidence in the system of services offered by Emirates Transport,” he added.
In the same context; Al Khader said that during the first half of 2018, the Centre implemented three training programs at the Sharjah Cultural Centre for about 200 drivers. The training programs included training and qualifying drivers to provide regular, safe and comfortable services to attain the comfort and happiness of those transported.

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