Emirates Transport launches school transport registering system for the 2022/2023 academic year


Dubai, UAE: Emirates Transport (ET), the largest provider of school transport services in the UAE, announced the launch of a system to enrol and register students for the government school transport service for the next academic year 2022/2023.

Helal Abdul Qader Al Marzooqi, Student Registration Project Manager at Emirates Transport, said: “The new system will identify the numbers and data of public school students wishing to avail school transport services, and will allow parents to register their children for this service between now and the end of July.

“The introduction of the new system aims to enhance the customer’s experience with the school transport service through the development of digital services associated with school transport, by collecting student data and facilitating and organizing the procedures for registering them in the government school transport service”, he added.

The system was officially launched by sending SMS messages to students’ parents, which include a registration link through a chatbot service on WhatsApp. Those wishing to register their children can follow a number of simple steps to add the data of students wishing to use the school bus services from ET. Parents of students who did not receive the SMS can call the toll-free number 8006006 to provide them with a link to the service.

Al Marzooqi also pointed out that after the required data is collected, the request is analysed and reviewed and the most appropriate route to provide the service is selected according to the route improvement system, so that the student can then benefit from the service.

Al Marzouqi explained that the launch of the system was preceded by the implementation of a comprehensive series of trials, to ensure the system is fully prepared to perform the required tasks in registering students in an efficient and accurate manner. He also stressed that the system is a supplementary channel for student registration, adding to the usual registration methods in coordination with school administrations. The system’s launch will be accompanied by promotional campaigns including posters on school buses inviting parents to register their children, in addition to informational posts on Emirates Transport’s social media accounts.

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