Dh43 million increase in ET’s government transport contracts in 2018


Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept.
The Government Transport Centre, a subsidiary of Emirates Transport (ET), announced it has signed new and renewed contracts worth Dh43 million during last year with a number of local and federal government entities.
According to Abdul Gaffar Mohammed Yousef, manager of the Centre, the total number of current transport contracts now stands at 211, signed with 105 government entities from around the state.
Yousef stated that the value of new and renewed contracts signed in 2018 represents a healthy 17% increase in the total value of the Centre’s contracts in 2017.
He added that the Centre offers transport and leasing services to various federal and local government entities, as well as a number of education institutions across the state.
Some of the Centre’s governmental clients include the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, the FNC, Abu Dhabi Ports, and Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority.
The manager of the ET Government Transport Centre also stated that under its contracts, which range in duration between 1 to 5 years, the Centre operates more than 5,000 vehicles, in addition to employing nearly 2,000 drivers.
The Centre provides a wide range of vehicles which includes ambulances, medical supplies transport vehicles, funeral transport vehicles, blood transport vehicles, mobile clinics, in addition to water transport vehicle.

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