
Integrated transport and sustainable growth


We are committed to providing services of transport and leasing, school transport, auto maintenance and repairs and logistics, in accordance with the highest occupational health and safety, and environmental standards for our partners and customers, be they individuals or institutions. We also strive to enhance our financial resources within the framework of corporate governance, risk management and shrewd investment.


Transparency and governance

We are committed to promoting the concepts of corporate governance and management accountability and consolidating a culture of transparency and openness. We arrive at our decisions based on scientific methods to achieve optimum performances and results.

Safety and Security

We believe security and safety are the primary requirements for all stakeholders including those affected by our performance. Accordingly, we work tirelessly and without compromise to sincerely meet this vital requirement.

Innovation and Foresight

We are committed to providing an environment that encourages creativity and innovation, and we continually strive to adopt the latest processes, innovative services and management practices that address the needs of our customers and meets their expectations and aspirations.

Care and Comfort

We focus our efforts and invest our resources in caring for our customers and responding to their individual needs and expectations. We endeavour to ensure their comfort and earn their loyalty and their support for the mission and objectives of Emirates Transport.

Aspiration and Excellence

We are committed to work towards achieving world-class status, transferring our exceptional knowledge and expertise, and expanding across local and regional markets in all areas of our specialties in the sectors of transport, supplementary and related services.


We believe that exceptional achievements and outstanding performance are the inevitable result of our convictions, daily practices and competent performances across the various organizational levels and in all disciplines and work sites.


We believe that happiness is a human right and consider it the cornerstone in our strategic plan and the various programmes and initiatives geared towards customers, employees and the community.

تريد أن تخبرنا شيئا؟

أرسل ملاحظاتك وآرائك

يسعدنا أن نسمع منك.

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بحاجة الى مساعدة؟

نحن هنا لمساعدتك

هناك شيء غير واضح؟

لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا ، وسنكون أكثر من سعداء للإجابة على جميع أسئلتك.

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