3,500 vehicles deliver food and parcels in Dubai and Sharjah since the beginning of the year


Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept.

Emirates Transport (ET), the largest state-owned transport company, continues to provide goods transport and food delivery services according to strict precautionary measures, in light of the outbreak of Covid-19 and the accompanying growth in delivery activities, food transport and e-commerce, it was revealed.

Tariq AlSedawi, Head of Sales for Dubai and Sharjah, stated that ET has provided 3,500 trucks, cars and motorbikes for the delivery of food products and parcels in the emirates of Dubai and Sharjah since the beginning of 2020.

He added that despite the major drop in certain transport services, particularly to educational sector institutions such as schools, universities and Qur’an teaching centres, as well as the drop in transporting employees of some companies, ET saw an increase in demand in other areas such as cargo transport, food delivery services and transport for online commerce to meet the increasing demand for home delivery services due to the government’s stay at home policy.

AlSedawi said that ET provides its transport leasing services for vehicles and motorcycles intended to serve its customers in the food sector such as restaurants, warehouses, wholesalers and retailers, as well as pharmacies and delivery companies, through 3,500 vehicles and motorcycles.

The Head of Sales for Dubai and Sharjah stated that the food transport vehicles provided by the company adhere to the best industry standards set by local and international regulatory authorities, adding that all of ET’s food transport vehicles use smart tracking systems that provide the driver with information and data.

He also added that within the framework of achieving the highest safety standards, Emirates Transport works periodically to implement maintenance operations for refrigerated transport vehicles, in addition to coordinating with its customers to disinfect vehicles designated for transporting refrigerated food.

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