Emirates Transport renews transport contract with Al Noor Training Centre for Persons with Disabilities


Emirates Transport (ET), the largest provider of school transport services in the UAE, signed a new five-year agreement to transport 120 students of Al Noor Training Centre for Persons with Disabilities.

The contract renewal was signed by Faryal Tawakul, deputy CEO of Emirates Transport, and Ranjini Ramnath, director of Al Noor Training Centre, in the attendance of a number of officials from both parties.

The signed contract will see ET provide 16 buses in all, eight of which are school buses specially equipped to transport wheelchair users, complete with bus drivers and supervisors trained on how to serve students of determination. The school buses are also equipped with the latest satellite tracking and transport ID technologies. Three of the provided buses will transport employees of the Centre.

Commenting on the agreement, Tawakul said: “We are pleased and proud that Al Noor Training Centre for Persons with Disabilities chose to renew their trust in our services, which is rich in experience and quality.

“The extension of this partnership is a great indicator of the successful working relationship between our two institutions, and forms yet another step towards boosting the reach of ET’s services among private schools throughout the country,” added the deputy CEO of Emirates Transport.    

Ranjini Ramnath, director of Al Noor Training Centre, said: “We thank Emirates Transport for supporting our vision of safe, wheelchair accessible school buses for our students. This will empower our students of determination by promoting their participation in the community, support opportunities for employment and ensure independence and autonomy.”

It is worth noting that Emirates Transport has a wealth of experience in transporting students of determination, as it provides this service for a number of government school students affiliated with the Emirates Schools Establishment. It also provides similar services for students of various care and rehabilitation centres for people of determination under the initiative “I Arrive Safely” which was first launched in 2013 in cooperation with the Ministry of Community Development.

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