Emirates Transport celebrate the 51st National Day


Emirates Transport (ET) celebrated the 51st National Day of the United Arab Emirates in a major ceremony held at Al Dhaid Station in Sharjah, in the presence of a number of the company’s executive leadership and senior officials, in addition to hundreds of employees of various job categories.

On this precious occasion, His Excellency Khaled Al-Mansour, Managing Director of the company, affirmed the inspiring dimensions of the National Day, stating that the country has come a long way in its development, providing the world with a qualitative achievement in establishing the perfect balance between the essence of modernity on the one hand, while preserving the main elements and components of the UAE’s national identity on the other.

He added that the Union enabled the UAE to offer strong competition in all fields on the international level and become a leading country in many global indicators of success and achievement in various fields.

Faryal Tawakul, Acting CEO of Emirates Transport, stated that the Emirati people had a destiny of success and prosperity since the first day of this auspicious union, and that the achievements of the first fifty years laid solid foundations for continuing the country’s impressive successes, and expanded the horizons of aspirations towards new fields that were previously the preserve of a select group of countries.

ET’s official celebratory event contained a number of creative segments derived from the ancient heritage of the UAE with poetry taking centre stage, as well as cultural and historical competitions cantered on the meanings of the occasion and the values of tolerance and coexistence. In this spirit, employees of different nationalities were given the opportunity to showcase some aspects of their heritage, including traditional dances and costumes. Other segments of the event included interactive competitions that saw extensive participation from the audience, and included the distribution of prizes to the winners, in addition to providing some traditional food, drinks and sweets to the attendees.

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