Limousine Service

Limousine Service Dubai

Emirates Transport offers the finest taxi and transport services through the most exquisite vehicles, to institutions, companies and individuals.

This service is provided through the Emirates Cars Centre, which provides limousine service in Dubai and the other emirates to VIP’s from the federal and local governments as well as a number of five-star hotels, tour operators and more than 50 prestigious companies in the public and private sectors.

This service is available for major events such as the Dubai Air Show and international sports competitions such as the Formula One race in Abu Dhabi.

The service includes: Emirates Limousine and Tourism Transport and the Centre works via a fleet of more than 100 limousine cars with more than 24 drivers.

The centre offers luxury car leasing in Dubai and the rest of the emirates as well, and all of its services can be done through long and short term contracts.

Interested in this service, get in touch with us!

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يسعدنا أن نسمع منك.

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