Taxi Service

Emirates Transport Taxi in Abu Dhabi

Emirates Transport Taxi in Abu Dhabi (one of the subsidiaries of Emirates Transport) was launched in October of 2017, after obtaining a license to provide public taxi service in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Al Dhafra region from the Integrated Transport Centre, of the Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport in Abu Dhabi.

The company, which managed to complete approximately 3.14 million trips in the emirate during 2020, has a fleet of 803 taxi vehicles – 40 of which dedicated to serving families due to their capacity – in addition to 3 vehicles equipped and prepared to serve people of determination, and it employs about 1,000 qualified driver.

Emirates Transport Taxi in Ajman

Emirates Transport Taxi in Ajman (one of the subsidiaries of Emirates Transport) was launched at the beginning of 2019. During 2020, the company provided 523,006 taxi trips through its fleet of about 200 vehicles, driven by approximately 200 drivers, despite the negative repercussions of Covid-19 on the transport and leasing business.   

The company intends to implement expansion plans, aimed at achieving 20% growth in business by the end of 2022, mainly through expanding and modernizing its fleet, in accordance with the requirements and frameworks of sustainability and the green economy. The first of these efforts came when the company added 30 hybrid vehicles to its fleet at the beginning of 2020.

Abu Dhabi Airport taxi

A subsidiary of Emirates Transport, launched in 2013, to provide taxi services for passengers arriving through Abu Dhabi Airport.

The number of taxis reached 222 vehicles at the end of 2020, while the number of taxi drivers reached 273, and they succeeded in providing more than 100,000 trips in 2021.

Interested in this service, get in touch with us!

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