ET continues to transport petroleum products to its partners with the highest standards


Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept.

Emirates Transport (ET) has revealed a 30% increase in petroleum product transport in the first half of this year, compared to 2019, despite the Covid-19 affects.  

Waleed Salim AlMehairi, Executive Director of Transport and Rental in the emirate of Abu Dhabi, stated that the company currently has 12 contracts to transport 907 million litres of diesel, petrol and plane fuel, in addition to about 40 thousand tons of polyethylene and polypropylene and 42 thousand tons of molten sulphur.

AlMehairi said that the Corporation has given petroleum transport extra attention, which is reflected in the efficiency and quality of services provided by ET’s logistics services to an elite group of clients in the State.

The Executive Director of Transport and Rental in the emirate of Abu Dhabi also stated that ET undertakes periodic maintenance programmes and protection for its vehicles and tanks in coordination with the suppliers and in line with approved periodic check-lists that have been issued by the manufacturers themselves.

Its worth mentioning that ET has successfully gained international recognition in the field of petroleum and chemicals transport, after fulfilling the criteria of the Gulf Sustainability & Quality Assessment System (Gulf SCAS).

ET provides its services to various sectors of companies operating in the oil field by managing, operating and maintaining a fleet of heavy vehicles that includes liquid sulphur tanks, petroleum products tanks, base oil tanks, liquid urea tanks and different oil and gas transporting services for governmental and private companies, on a 24-hour basis.

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