Emirates Transport strengthens procedures to protect its employees and customers from Covid-19


Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept.

Emirates Transport (ET) continues to develop and implement the procedures and policies it has put in place for its operations and services in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Hanan Mohamed Saqer, Executive Director of the Corporate Services Division, stated that all recommended preventative measures have been implemented including installing temperature detecting systems for employees, customers and visitors in various ET sites, through fixed and handheld thermal monitoring devices, in addition to enforcing social distancing rules and disinfecting vehicles before and after maintenance in the auto workshops.

Khaled Shukur, manager of HSE Department, pointed to the intensive awareness efforts that have taken place in terms of educating employees to prevent the spread of coronavirus through various channels since the beginning of the pandemic.

He said that these awareness efforts covered 27,685 employees in total including 12,603 ​​drivers from the Transport and Leasing Division, in addition to 7,290 drivers working in the School Transport Division along with 7,792 school bus supervisors.

Shukur also noted ET’s keenness to implement the instructions issued by the relevant official authorities regarding the guidelines for social distancing in buses and other vehicles, especially the adherence to the maximum number of passengers in each vehicle and the provision of hand sanitizers in all vehicles.  

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