Emirates Transport services 65,000 vehicles during Q1 2020


Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept.

The Emirates Centre for Auto Services, part of Emirates Transport (ET), completed service operations for more than 65,000 vehicles, during the first quarter of this year, in its workshops in Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman and the Central Region.

Obaid Rubaya Almehairbi, manager of the Emirates Centre for Auto Services, said that the services were carried out through 9 external workshops that are based on client premises and 11 workshops based in ET’s premises, all with the highest technical services that adheres to environmental sustainability standards of the State.

Almehairbi stressed that ET is keen to utilize all its expertise in the field of auto services to offer the best standards and exceed the expectations of its clients.    

He explained that the Centre provides comprehensive maintenance services including periodical maintenance and repairs, accident repairs, tyre replacements, painting, upholstery, washing and lubrication, as well as a range of other services.

The manager of the Emirates Centre for Auto Services also confirmed that Emirates Transport disinfects all its auto workshops twice daily, in addition its auto technicians adhering to precautionary measures related to safety, including wearing masks and gloves, and disinfecting vehicles before and after services, in order to preserve the safety of workers and client from the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19).

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