Emirates Transport reduces points of direct contact with the public in its vehicle inspection centres


Dubai: Emirates Transport Media Dept.

Emirates Transport has announced the reduction of direct contact points with the public for its vehicle inspection services, in its centres in Abu Dhabi, and work is underway to extend the process to the rest of the centres throughout the country by the end of the year.

The reduction was achieved thanks to the introduction of an electronic system that allows the completion of service requirements and their digital documentation, with the aim of improving the services provided to private car owners as well as owners of commercial transport fleets.

Crucially, the system will also contribute to reducing unnecessary risks of the spread of Covid-19 by minimising human contact.

Amer Al Shehi, manager of the Auto Inspection Centres at Emirates Transport, stated that the company is keen to improve the quality and efficiency of its services and apply the latest smart technologies that meet the requirements of partners and customers and achieve their happiness whilst adhering to the best standards in health and safety.

He also stated that approximately 237,000 vehicle inspections are carried out annually by the centre and they can all be completed now through a dedicated software service.

Al Shehi commented further that Emirates Transport is continuing to improve its customer relationship management through the ICRM system, a digital system that helps streamline service delivery.

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